Children at Avra Imperial Hotel stay and eat for free
At Avra Imperial parents will have the opportunity to appreciate the exquisitely spoiling life and facilities, while there’s a crèche and mini club for the little ones including plenty of activities for older children and teenagers.
At Avra Imperial Hotel your children’s well-being and safety is our top priority. Children under 13 years old stay for free in their parents' room, depending on room or suite capacity. Furthermore, kids eat for free in the Half Board and All Inclusive meal plan packages.
Making sure that you can relax knowing that your children are in safe hands, we’ve teamed up with childcare specialists who follow high standards and strict operating procedures to ensure your children receive the highest standard of care all whilst carrying out exciting and unique planned activities.
In our fully equipped crèche and kids club an array of interesting and fun-filled activities for different age groups of children are offered, such as arts and crafts, sports, cooking, water sports, swimming, treasure hunts and games. All activities are age appropriate and displayed on a timetable on a weekly basis.
We strongly advise pre-booking childcare services to avoid disappointment due to limited space and strict ratios. For childcare pre-bookings please email littleguests@avraimperialhotel.gr

Trained babysitters are available always upon request. Babysitting is organised and allocated by the childcare manager in resort, endeavoring to place the same person with one family throughout their stay to maintain consistency. Evening babysitting is also available and organised by the childcare manager and can be pre-booked. Babysitting bookings can take place whilst in resort also, with the childcare manager or Concierge Desk.